Enormous golden temples, huge elephants, and beautiful beach. These iconic symbols are all from same country, Thailand. Beside these, in every part of Thailand, there is one thing that never be missed is Thai style woven fabric. The reason that we could still meet Thai woven fabric is because of continuous cultural heritage a generation to generation and still be found around the city as a uniform or special occasion costumes.

Current Weavers in Na Muen Sri
Here is a community where has two hundred years of history with woven fabric with unique pattern name Na Muen Sri. Thai woven fabric has different types according to where they are originated. Na Muen Sri is a district in Trang province, where you can closely meet Na Muen Sri style woven fabric’s history. In Na Muen Sri, there is a museum with history of how their patterns has become unique where has been renovated by Central Group from old showcase to more interesting arrangement and has a place to learn how to weave to make a pattern with little guides who are the children of Na Muen Sri community closely seen how fabric has been made and where each of fabrics come from.

Na Meun Sri Museum and fabric shop at Na Meun Sri
Journey to become a Na Muen Sri’s unique woven fabric has been happening since long time ago. With over two hundred years of local weaving heritage, the Na Muen Sri community has a strong relationship on weaving unique fabrics. Thai woven fabric has been using in daily life and important festivals in every stage of life. In previous years, Na Muen Sri’s unique fabric was popular among upper class. However, After World War II, in 1971, with the change of the original economic system, local villagers gathered once more to bring their woven fabric back.

Fabrics on Thai loom and various color choices
Furthermore, other historical destinations and cultural learning centers, from temples, such as Wat Khuan Sawan and Wat Hua Khao, Sai Deuy Market, Chumthanrimthing Café, and Baan Manorah Cultural Learning Center and more places can be visited by bicycle that you can borrow around the community. More than that, Trang is a province where is close to beach with delicious foods that is inspired from Chinese culture since Trang is a province where most people are originated from China. Trang Grilled Pork from Pong O-Cha restaurant is a must-try menu that Thai people mention. They serve with Chinese styled grilled pork and dimsum which you can try. Also, Chinese Pastry Mooncake from Kanhom-Pia Soi 9 is where Thai people visit every time before leaving Trang Province. Their pastry mooncake has many flavors to try such as green tea, durian, or red bean. Kanhom-Pia Soi 9 shop also can be found in Robinson Trang near Tops Market.

Na Muen Sri Bike Map