Jing Jai Market - 5 Must Do in Thailand by TAT

Be ready! TAT is preparing to hold the event “5 Must Do in Thailand” at Jing Jai Market, Chiang Mai

Event Dates: 8-9 June 2024
8 June: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
9 June: 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.

  • Experience the concept of "5 Must Do in Thailand," including:
    • Must Eat: Delicious food from 5 regions
    • Must See: Explore culture
    • Must Seek: Search for unseen places to visit
    • Must Buy: Precious handicrafts worth buying
    • Must Beat: Challenging sports activities
  • Meet attractive stores & restaurants selected from 5 regions across the country for “Must Buy” and “Must Eat.”
  • Gather exclusive tourist information and promotions for “Must Seek” and “Must Beat.”
  • Watch “Must See” performances of both traditional and applied culture. Let’s have some fun with exclusive events featuring the country’s leading artists.

Free Entrance! Created by the Tourism Authority of Thailand

For More Information
Call Center: 1672
Instagram: 1672travelbuddy
Twitter: tat1672
Line: @tatcontactcenter (https://bit.ly/34lbUjn)
Website: www.tourismthailand.org
Website: www.tatcontactcenter.com