centralwOrld - The Great Chinese New Year 2025 Celebrate The Year of Snake Wisdom

Get lucky and celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Snake with centralwOrld's The Great Chinese New Year 2025 campaign, celebrating The Year of Snake Wisdom
Enjoy 9 highlights of auspicious activities to celebrate the Year of the Snake, including eating, traveling, and shopping in various styles, meeting the demands of every generation
- Miracle of Unity
- Thai - Chinese Diplomatic Relations through performances Mini Concert and Flag Waving Ceremony.
- Chinese Calligraphy of Prosperity
- 9 Days of Epic Chinese Cultural Shows: watch extraordinary performance imports from China.
- The Love of Peony 1st time Giant Peony Inflatable Full Bloom at central cOurt, photograph Chinese New Year landmark and giant peony in central cOurt zone.
- Chinese Taste of Tea collects a variety of Chinese teas for you to try and purchase. Therefore, you can completely appreciate the charm of Chinese tea culture.
- Nihao China: amazing China tourism event providing great offers.
- The Miracle wOrld of Lanterns, take a photo with the tunnel of auspicious lanterns four things: Prosperity, Happiness, Good Fortune, and Love.
- Red Envelope Auspicious Hall at The beacOn of Luck.
- The Portrait Studio: where families unite, enjoy Chinese modern style family photography studio, get free when you spend 2,000 baht at the shopping center.
- The Great Auspicious Shrine is a gathering of auspicious gods where you can pay your respects and celebrate Chinese New Year.
This Chinese New Year, be prosperous and happy for the whole family! Come celebrate together at centralwOrld.
From 7 January to 6 February 2025
迎好运,共同庆祝中国农历蛇年,快来参加 centralwOrld 2025 年的盛大春节庆典吧。 在这个充满喜庆的蛇年 , centralwOrld 为您准备了精彩纷呈的 9 大主题活动 ,让您尽享美食、购物、娱乐的乐趣!无论您是哪一个年代的人,都能在这里找到属于自己的春节氛围。
- 中泰友谊(Miracle of Unity )庆祝泰中关系,通过迷你音乐会和壮观的旗帜挥舞仪式。
- 九天非凡中华文化表演(9 Days of Epic Chinese Cultural Shows)欣赏来自中国的特别演出。
- 牡丹花开(The Love of Peony)巨型牡丹气球首次在 Central Court 区完全绽放,为春节地标,拍照打卡的绝佳场所。
- 品味中国茶(Chinese Taste of Tea)集合多种中国茶供您品尝和选购,让您尽享中国茶文化魅力。
- 你好,中国(Nihao China)奇妙的中国旅游展,为提您供丰富的旅行优惠和好礼。
- 灯笼奇境(The Miracle wOrld of Lanterns) 打卡四大吉祥灯笼走廊:富贵、幸福、好运、爱情。
- 新春贺岁,大吉大利(The beacOn of Luck) 感受浓厚的新年气氛,迎接幸运。
- 全家福影像馆(The Portrait Studio, Where Families Unite)享受现代中式家庭摄影体验。特别活动:在商场消费满 2,000 泰铢即可免费拍摄。
- 众神庇佑(The Great Auspicious Shrine)汇集多位吉祥神灵供大家参拜,迎接美好的新春。
这个春节,全家一起幸福满满!快来 centralwOrld 一起庆祝吧!
活动时间:2025 年 1 月 7 日 - 2 月 6 日